
Do Temptations Come from God?

Jesse O'Neil

God by His holy nature has no capacity for evil, or vulnerability to it. God purposes trials to occur and in them He allows temptation to happen. But he has promised not to allow more than believers can endure and never without a way to escape. 

1Corinthians10:13, we read that "no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it". As human as we are, we are attempted all day throughout our daily activities. The passage we read gives an understanding that any temptation that comes our way is not beyond us, not more than what we can endure. 

Through trials, God allows temptation which is not more than us to come our way and He, being faithful will be provide a way for us to flee from it. This is an advantage for Christians against the devil. You can choose whether to take the escape route God gives you or to give in. It's your choice, but I don't think you are going to give in.

Why are we being tempted all day?

We may be thinking why are we being tempted? Temptation is a strong desire to have or do something even though you know you should not, something that makes you want to have or do something. James 1:14&15 Our own desires(lust), the strong desire of the human soul to enjoy or acquire something to fulfill the flesh. Man's fallen nature has the natural tendency to strongly desire whatever sin will satisfy it. 

Everyone on earth has his own nature of lust. It is different for each person as a result of inheritance, environment, upbringing and personal choices. These desires are the cause of falling into sin. Sin is not just a spontaneous act, it does not come by itself without being planned, but by the result of a process. We should do away with our desires for it will cause us to sin. 

We can fight our desires through our thoughts. Rebuke every evil thought and it will flee. God does not tempt us he tests us. The Bible says we should be happy when we are going through trials (James1:1). Natural human response to trials is not to rejoice, therefore the believer must make a conscious commitment to face them with joy. Why should we as Christians be happy to go through trials? 

 God gives us an assurance of the crown of life we will receive when we pass every trial (James1:12).

 When you pass a trial, you will be moved to the next level of your spiritual life, making you grow spiritually. God does not tempt us (James1:12). We have seen that temptation is from our own desires. As Christians if we say we are dead surely the devil will come tempting us to see if truly we are dead. How can the dead respond to the living?

 Jesus Christ our Lord and personal savior was even tempted by the devil. How did he overcome the temptation? Jesus Christ used the word of God to rebuke the devil. The word of God helps us in our daily lives not to sin against God, to become victorious over the devil. The word of God is a believer's best weapon to defend against encroaching sin. 

In the book of Psalm 119:11, King David knew that only the word of God hidden in his heart will help him overcome sin. The word of God is the sword of a Christian the food a Christian need to be able to grow in the Lord. When you are being tempted rebuke it with the word of God for it aids Christian growth.

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