
Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesse O'Neil

 Don't be confused about who Jesus Christ is. God makes our beautiful because He is interested in our Lifes and to conduct ourselves. You can be in the Church and may have some doubt about who Jesus is.

  Jesus Christ first of all is the Son of God. Every book of the Bible shows Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the shadow in the Old Testament and in the New Testament He was revealed. Don't see Jesus Christ to be just a Prophet or just a good man, He is God. 

  In the beginning God said let us create, He was referring to the trinity (God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). Jesus Christ came to this earth in the form of a man to reveal the father to us (the Father's character). He came to save the world of its sins. If you don't see Jesus as your savior, you cannot be saved from your sins, for He destroyed sin (self-life) on the cross. Sin has no dominion over our Lifes because of one man, Jesus Christ. No one can be compared to our Lord; none can be likened to Him unless he is found in You. He is unique in every way.

  In the Old Testament Jesus has been concealed as the kinsmen redeemer in the book of Ruth. Everything that transpires shows that Jesus is indeed God. In the book of John 7:25, they were contemplating, asking themselves that could this be Jesus Christ? There is more we need to put our faith in than mere miracles. We need to put our faith in the cross of Jesus Christ.

  Jesus Christ came in our time to deal with our sinful nature, to uproot sin from humanity forever. Jesus Christ died 3 days and rose up the 3rd day. The door we need to be able to access God was not yet opened, because Christ needed to go and show Himself to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit to be with us to access God and to be sons of God (Romans8:14-16). Christ sent the Holy Spirit to be His representative.

  The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ not itself, for when the Holy Spirit is in you, it glorifies God (Matthew 5:16). We are in the last days, the coming of Jesus Christ is drawing nearer and closer. The person who is dead is not afraid of death. Surely Jesus Christ is God, do not have doubt about Him. Matthew 17:5-7(Jesus Christ was transformed).

  Jesus Christ testifies about Himself (John 10:30; 'I and my Father are one'). Without the Holy Spirit you can do nothing to please God. Who is Jesus Christ to you? Are you confused? Can you declare that he is your savior? It is Jesus alone don't Have any doubt in you. 

   John 1:1&2; in accordance with this verses, Jesus Christ was there from the beginning of creation. The 'word' in the quotation which is Jesus Christ was with God and is God from the beginning. Don't be confused Jesus is God for the word is God. Let's look at this scripture also, John1:14; it reads, 'And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth'. So now, the word which is God (Jesus Christ) came to dwell among us, took the form of the human flesh to die for us.

  Colossians2:9 (please read this scripture with understanding from the Holy Spirit). 'For in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily'. Jesus Christ is God; in Him we find the trinity. Christ possesses the fullness of the divine nature of God. Believe today in your heart that Jesus Christ is God and He only can save you

Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life John 11:17-27. It all started when Jesus Christ and his disciples was on a journey. they met a woman called Mary, this woman has an expensive spray and poured it on Jesus 's feet and used her hair to clean his feet. Mary's sister is Martha. Their brother was Lazarus who had been dead for four days. But Jesus told them he is just sleeping. 

We Christians we do not die but rest from our labor i.e. we sleep. Some of we were outcast but Jesus is here to invite you into his home. What has taken over your life that has killed you is it anger? Some of you think you have passed age and nothing good is going to come. But Jesus is telling you it is not yet over. You think your situation is hopeless but Jesus will give you life only if you come to him. Don't have any doubts. Something must happen in your life for you to believe in Jesus. I assure you that Jesus can save you. Some of us were very prayerful but now we are weak. Sin has taken over our lives. 

Your case is not as dead as it is, you can be resurrected. Mary and Martha thought this was the end of their brother. You need to be Jesus's friend and he will resurrect you. If you don't love Jesus and calamity comes your way, he cannot save you. We must love Jesus Christ because he's the one who died for us. If Jesus had not died, what are we going to preach.  If Jesus did not resurrect like we will be mocked at, no matter your situation you will rise again. What are you going through in life? What is troubling your life? You need joy, you need a husband, you are desperate, he will deliver you if you believe. Martha said Lord I believe. 

When you trust in Jesus, he will give you a new life, if any is in Christ, he is a new creation. Don't think it is over. Four days Lazarus body might be smelling but he was resurrected, some of us the lack of Christ is in us so we are dead. Jesus will change your life and your friends will see it. If you love your life without committing it Christ, then your life will be wasted. The devil even believes Jesus is God but he will still go to hell, you can believe in Jesus but when you live a life contrary to the life of Christ you will be with the devil. How do we see Jesus? 

Some of us we see Jesus as a savior but not our Lord so we don't want to submit to him, when are we going to surrender to Jesus and say Jesus take my life and let it be. Jesus cried when he found out Lazarus was dead, how can you cry for someone you don't love? For how long have you seen your life rotten? If only you believe in Jesus, he will save you, it might be your marriage, your work but Jesus will resurrect it and you will have a new life. Jesus is the resurrection no matter what is dead in your life he will resurrect it.

 The prayer life of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ prayed in the garden on to God to deliver him from death, he was humbled through prayer, a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. Jesus Christ prayed from evening to morning. 

What are the things we get from prayer?

1. It sharpens you as a Christian.
2. It paves way for God to show you things.
3. It draws you closer to God.
4. Prayer helps you to defeat temptation.
5. Prayer opens more room to love God.

 Why do Jesus usually praise in the evening?
 There is privacy at night which the atmosphere is very quiet, no disturbances anywhere. The battle of prayer starts from the evening and any decision Jesus takes starts from prayer at night before morning comes. You can pray in your mind it will surely work so far as when you last after a girl in your mind it also makes you sin. 

Why does he also pray at dawn? He prays to commit his ways unto God. He is always filled with power because of prayer. Jesus prayed during his baptism. When you sin and you go and pray God will not listen until you confess the sins you made, every prayer you pray God answers you in three ways, the first way is OK I've heard you, the 2nd is wait for a while and the third is I can't give you that.

 Remember not to pray amiss. Before Jesus chose the12 disciples, He prayed before it was morning, he called them. He knew those he would call after prayer even Judas Iscariot, He knew him before he was called. Every decision we take we need to pray before we take that decision. Decision taking requires a lot of prayer, look at Jesus He who is God who knows what one thinks he still prayed before He elected the 12 disciples. Prayer helps you to choose the right path, prayer is very key we must learn the prayer habit of Jesus Christ. Pray with reverence to God.

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