
Why Choose Love over Hatred?

Jesse O'Neil

 Love is one of the fruits of the spirit when we look at Galatians 5:22. Love is a strong feeling of caring about someone or something. As Christians we deal with the agape love. The love that God loved the world that he sent his only begotten son to die for us John 3:16.

 We ought to love one another as disciples of Jesus Christ. God does not discriminate, if he does why would He send his son to die for the world? Can you die for someone you don't love? Of course not, God loved us despite our evil nature, He cared for us because He doesn't want us to be destroyed for eternity, that was why He sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us. 

An example had been set for us to follow. We should love one another, love does not discriminate, let's love without dissimulation for God is love. If you have Jesus Christ in you, you will always love no matter how you are being treated. We treated Christ unfairly, yet he loved us. Hebrews13:1-13(let brotherly love continue). Don't love when it gets to the point where you want everyone to know you have love in you. Stop pretending to love for without Christ in you, you cannot love, for Jesus is love.

No matter the situation we need to show Christ, we need to show love in us. Matthew5:43&44 "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you". Jesus Christ asks a very vital question here that, what reward do you get when you love those who love you? Think about it for God's love extends even to His enemies. God's love manifesting blessings which He bestows on all indiscriminately.

    As much as it depends on you be at peace with all men for God is peace. Be humble to love, respect to love, good character and speech to love. Love is sacrificial (John 3:16), love brings peace to all, love is the greatest key to our sources, love brings togetherness and unity. If you love, why do you repay evil? Love does not keep records of wrongs done to it. 

   Let's take a look at this scripture, Philippians2:2&3 it reads "let's love, being one in soul and mind. Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boost, but be humble towards one another, always considering others better than yourselves". Be humble at all times as Jesus Christ was humble. 

    Don't argue with others thinking you are right if indeed what you are saying is true, they will find out soon enough. There is no point arguing with a brother, for argument causes chaos and in chaos generates hatred. We are to love others in the body of Christ equally, not because they are all equally attractive, but by showing the same kind of sacrificial loving service to all that was shown to them by Christ Jesus.


  1. Dood
    1. Very good 👍👍 dear
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