
What is Self-life?

Jesse O'Neil

 You may be thinking what's Self-life? Don't worry, at the end of this article you will be able to know everything you need to know about self-life.

  Everyone on this earth is born of a woman. And everyone born of a woman has the sinful nature in him/her (the Flesh). Job 15:14(what is man that he could be pure? and he who is born of a woman that he could be righteous?) strong statement with regard to the sinfulness of man Romans 3:23, which attacked Job's claim to righteousness. The truth is accurate that all men are sinners but irrelevant to Job's case because his suffering was not due to any sin

Actions of self-life.

According to Galatians 5:19-20 the life the human nature portrays are clear and visible such of these are:










10.Outburst of wrath or Anger

11.Selfish ambitions






17.Revelries & the like.

     The self-life is made with an aimless conduct, empty headed lifestyle, impossible road to heaven, useless spiritually unproductive lifestyle. Romans 8:10 speaks of self-life and how to be free from it. Those who live according to the flesh cannot please God in any ways (Romans 8:1-10). This life (the human nature) is an enemy of God. It cannot put itself under the law of God. 

 The person who set his or her mind on the things of the flesh is spiritually dead. The unbeliever's problem is much deeper than acts of disobedience, which are merely outward manifestations of enough fleshly compulsions. Even the good deeds an unbeliever performs are not seen by God, they don't please God.

 You might be an evangelist, a pastor, an usher in the church, a singer or part of the choir, a church member and still not please God. On that day God will tell you, "I don't know you". Because your actions are produced by the flesh, for selfish reasons and from a heart that is in rebellion to God. 

 Psalm 58:3-6 (from the womb we started lying). Even before we were born, we were already sinning in our mother's womb. All people are born totally depraved. Without being made new creatures in Christ Jesus by God's power, they are prevented by their wicked nature from pleasing God. We were brought forth in iniquity and in sin when our mothers conceived of us.

 Self-life is the nature that causes us to sin because it's from the devil. 1John 3:8 clearly made us understand that this self-life (human nature) in us is from the devil. Because it makes us live in sin. So "he who sins is from the devil" means anyone who practices not righteousness, but sin is from the devil. 

 The road of the devil is comfortable, but the road of God is narrow (uncomfortable). The flesh (Self-life) does not suffer to do what it wants. This nature is shared through birth to all men. Self-life cannot be tamed but uprooted from men through Jesus Christ our Lord. Choose the narrow road of Christ Jesus. 

 Only the cross can save us from this corruptible good for nothing lifestyle nothing else can. This self-life always wants to be noticed, it doesn't want disgrace and it always wants thanksgiving.  You can't save yourself from this life but only our King God can, through his son Jesus Christ who laid down his life for you and me.

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