
Are you to go through sufferings as a Christian?

Jesse O'Neil

To be a Christian means to be Christ like. To do the things Jesus Christ did, to go through the things He went through, to behave like Him and to develop His heart in you means you are a Christian. When you become a Christian, you will definitely go through a lot, but bear in mind that it is to bring glory to God. The disciples of Jesus Christ were beaten for preaching Christ, and right after they are beaten, they are still going around preaching Christ happy that they were beaten because of Christ. Be happy brethren when you are being persecuted for Christ's sake. 

 The devil doesn't want you to study the word of God, to follow God and to be the witnesses of Jesus Christ. Remember that the devil came to steal, kill and destroy you. Don't give the devil the footstool or else he will ruin your life. Because the devil doesn't want you to do the will of God, he will persecute you and do all such things against you for you to be tired of following Jesus Christ.

 As children of God, we need to develop the Christian lifestyle in us, for us to be able to stand for God in boldness. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of sound mind (Romans 8:15). We will be persecuted as Christians, we will be hated, betrayed, ignored and taken for granted, but we will never give in.

 Every disciple of Jesus Christ will suffer with Him. At your workplace you will suffer for Him, in your marriage you will suffer for Him, at your school or place of studies you will suffer for Him, in the Church you will suffer for Him, even with your family you will suffer for Jesus. But don't be shaken, for in your suffering for Christ, He blesses you every day. Matthew 5:10 we read that "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of God". The kingdom of God is yours to inherit if you are suffering for Jesus Christ.

 The only antidote to the suffering caused by evil treatment or persecution is seeking God's comfort through prayer. Communicate with Jesus for He will comfort you; He will wipe of your tears and strengthen you to stand tall in all persecution also will He put a smile on your face. Count all persecution as blessing (James 5:11). Job endured the persecution from the devil and never denied God. God blessed him once more, but this time more than he could expect.

1Peter 4:12-14 tells us about the following.

  • We should expect persecution for surely it will come.
  • We should rejoice when we are being persecuted.
  • You need to evaluate its cause.
  • Entrust it to God daily.
 Don't assume your persecution is something that happened accidentally. God allowed it and designed it for your testing, purging and cleansing. As you are persecuted for your faith in Christ Jesus, you are a partner in the same kind of suffering Jesus endured, suffering for doing what is right.
 Luke 6:22 (Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you, when they revile you, and cast your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake). 
 Persecution isn't something to be sought. But when evil is spoken against you falsely and for Christ's sake, such persecution carries with a blessing from God. You are crowned for enduring persecutions. 2nd Timothy 3:12 says, "Yes and all desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Are you willing to follow God? Then expect persecution.

 For the world rejects Jesus Christ, and you accepting Jesus to stay in your heart, the world will hate you also. For the darkness hates the light and they have nothing in common. So, you are currying Jesus who is the life light into every dark place will cause the darkness to hate you for you have driven it away. Don't try to fight back when you are being hated for the Holy Spirit will do its job when you leave everything to Him.

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